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Showing posts from December, 2016

Sunday Special: Islamophobia and Hinduphobia

POSTED ON  DECEMBER 18, 2016   BY  DRLAMBA Islamophobia as a word that has gained currency now and is attracting global attention. Rightly, so. But what about other phobias about other religions. The Judeophobia and Hinduphobia have been evident since long, while Judeophobia did come in for some criticism, Hinduphobia has escaped all attention. The comparison has been made recently between Islamophobia and Hinduphobia. It’s an interesting one, After the election of Donald Trump, there is a certain fear in the United States of an increased Islamophobia. Certainly, this fear is justified – and certainly the majority of American Muslims are peaceful. This is why, no doubt, the American media particularly CNN and the New York Times, have been going all guns blazing out against Islamophobia and more generally, against ethnic intolerance. We need however to look at the broader question, which is whether there is some justification in Islamophobia. From a statistical point of view, it is

Mughals Rulers & Public: Predators and Prey

POSTED ON  DECEMBER 9, 2016   BY  DRLAMBA I am annoyed. People have a nasty habit of repeating ad nausem concocted stories. They d not study the facts, do not analyze, but accept things touted by interested parties as gospel truth. There is a recurring theme running through Muslim mythology in the subcontinent that places the Mughal era at the pinnacle of India’s rich and varied past. Travellers to India in the 16th and 17th centuries returned with tales of dazzling riches. Indeed, compared to the display of wealth by the Mughal aristocracy, European monarchs and princes paled into insignificance. But the reality was very different, unless you were one of the favoured few at the top of the Mughal hierarchy. To illustrate this, consider the fact that under Shah Jehan, 36.5 p% of the assessed revenue of the country was assigned to 68 princes and ‘amirs’. The next 25 % went to another 587 officers. It is another matter that the rulers’ attitude towards ordinary people hasn

History Distorted by United Nations to Promote Islamist Imperialism

POSTED ON  DECEMBER 4, 2016   BY  DRLAMBA One never could imagine that UNESCO would not only be engaged in rewriting partisan history, but also distort the same. It has joined the ranks of pro-Islamist bodies in providing Islamists with a weapon- resolutions passed by international bodies. UNESCO last August planned to vote on the historical status of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and its associated Western Wall. UNESCO’s plan was to deny any Jewish link to this most central of all Jewish holy sites, to trash a history going back thousands of years, and to claim the Mount and the Wall as Islamic sites. Islam believes that it is eternal and had therefore preceded the other two great monotheisms, Judaism and Christianity, even though it was only to become visible to the world through Mohammad in the seventh century AD, but entitled to elbow out the two older religions. Lies by UNESCO to rewrite history, erasing all traces of Judaism and Christianity to favour a jihadist Islamic fan