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Showing posts from 2015

Life-changing lessons from Bhagavad Gita

Messages from the Bhagavad Gita The Bhagavad Gita is one of the greatest religious books of the Hindus. The Bhagavad Gita reveals the path to the lost, provides clarity to the confused, and wisdom to all. Here are some of the most popular and important teachings from one of the greatest spiritual books the world has ever known… “Surrender the fruits of your actions.” When we work keeping the fruits of our labour in mind, we can never really give our best. It’s because we are overly obsessed with the possible rewards. We are worried be our best in it. It also gives us a lot of worries about the result. We may also feel disheartened if our task or action does not yield good outputs. Therefore, just doing our work without really thinking about its result should be our motive. Find contentment in the journey you are on, regardless of the outcome! “Life is a battlefield: Fight boldly” Even when the walls are crumbling around you and the earth is cracking be

Cities of Mahabharata in the present time

Gandhar: (Sindh Pradesh, Rawalpindi) This is an ancient city of Mahabharata times situated to the west of River Sindhu in Sindhu Pradesh. Dhritrashtra’s wife Gandhari was the daughter of King Subal of Gandhar. Gandhari’s brother Shakuni was Duryodhan’s maternal uncle who defeated Pandavas by fraud in gamble and became one of the reasons of the war of Mahabharata. Takshashila: (Rawalpindi, present day Pakistan) Takshashila was an ancient city of Mahabharata time and capital of Gandhar Desh. Dhritrashtra’s wife Gandhari was the daughter of King Subal of Gandhar. After the war of Mahabharata when the Pandavas left for Himalayas, Parikshit was crowned the King. He died due to a snake bite. Then to take revenge of his death, Parikshit’s son Janmejay performed a “Nagyagya” in Takshashila and had killed many snakes. Kekaya Pradesh: (North border of Jammu and Kashmir) Kekaya Pradesh was an ancient city of the Mahabharata times. Jaysen, the King of Kekaya wa